it's been a while since I was here (mostly because my computer was in a coma for months).....well, what follows is pretty much what's been going on around our house (among the usual everyday stuff, school, work, etc..)....
Haitham turned 13...

we rescued this cutie pie, we named her Lily and she is a doll, so cute and adorable....she's our fourth cat, we just can't resist them...LOL

and on the scrapbooking department......I have been laggin' on, as usual, but here's what I've worked on...I wish I had a scanner at home so the LOs would look better, try clicking on the picture for a better closer look....

8.5 x 11

6 x 12

and a "twinchie" or however is called...I made a 2", the 1" was quite a challenge so I decided to try on an aditional inch and this is what I came up with....

and that's all for now............oh! Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!
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